According to an online dictionary, the meaning for 'give up' is:
give up
a. To surrender: The suspects gave themselves up.
b. To devote (oneself) completely: gave herself up to her work.
a. To cease to do or perform: gave up their search.
b. To desist from; stop: gave up smoking.
3. To part with; relinquish: gave up the apartment; gave up all hope.
a. To lose hope for: We had given the dog up as lost.
b. To lose hope of seeing: We'd given you up an hour ago.
5. To admit defeat.
6. To abandon what one is doing or planning to do: gave up on writing the novel.
It seems to be a negative word, right? When you read the meaning of it, you find 'cease', 'desist', 'lose hope' -- negative words, definitely. But what is the true meaning to you? Have you ever given up of something? How did you feel after doing it?
I have given up...actually, I often say that we are always looking for something better in our lives, we are fighting to get the things we deserve, we plant the seeds to harvest great fruits, I mean, that's life! We are always looking for the things that make us happy.
I have given up on something that was not making me happy, altough I did fight a lot to get that wish to come true...I actually got it, but the tree was no longer growing the way I wanted it to grow. I gave up a dream which was becoming a nightmare...People say 'don't you ever give up!' -- I agree, as long as you know by heart it is the thing you truly want. It is hard to know exactly what we want, it is very hard. If I could make 3 wishes now, and I knew they would come true, I have no idea what they would be.
To give up, now at this time of my life, it is not is a positive action I did, I didn't stop time and space to simply live what I thought it was perfect. I let it go...
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