Não sou judia. Não sou de acompanhar missas de igrejas. Não me dedico totalmente à religiões. Não sou apegada nisso, porém, eu adoro aprender sobre a Cabala. É difícil decifrá-la, ou até mesmo entendê-la, mas eu a vejo como um tipo de filosofia de vida...ela já me ajudou muito, em todos os sentidos. Toda semana eu leio um texto sobre a Cabala, as coisas que podemos fazer para ajudar o próximo, a nós mesmos (em primeiro lugar), como podemos adicionar coisas boas nesse mundo...é super interessante, eu adoro isso, esse sentimento espírita que é impossível de se explicar...
Vou postar aqui um dos meus textos preferidos sobre a Cabala, o assunto é sobre os 3 P's. O mestre Yehuda Berg, um dos maiores cabalistas do mundo, escreve toda a semana em seu site: www.kabbalah.com -- quem se interessar, por favor, entre e comece a sua jornada cabalística -- acredite, você não irá se arrepender. Tudo de bom! :)
"The 3 P's -- Did you feel that? The earth is spinning anywhere from 700 to 1,038 miles per hour. You sure you don’t feel it?
Just as the world spins on its axis and we don’t feel it, the results of the restricting, digging, caring, volunteering and studying are not always visible.
I bring it up because last week I encouraged you to start new endeavors, and plant new seeds. This week our job is to water those new seedlings, and to remember we don’t see the results as we work, spiritually speaking.
In fact, the brighter the Light we want to reveal, the darker the process will seem. And for many who don’t know this, it can be frustrating and the cause of giving up.
But not you. You know how the system works!
Just as we don’t see the tree growing when we water the seed everyday, try not watering for a few days and see how fast it dies.
That’s why spiritual work requires the 3 P’s:
This week, it’s natural to feel the deflation after the high of the holidays. The way to combat that is to put the doubts to bed and give all your love and energy to your new commitments. Keep going back to your original inspiration. That passion will keep you moving forward. It’s real. Trust it. Trust yourself. Trust the system.
I guarantee if you do, your seeds will melt into roots and branches and form that beautiful tree of which you are dreaming.
All the best,
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