quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2009

You've got mail

Olá pessoas! :)

Vou postar aqui o texto do site Kabbalah dessa semana! Espero que gostem....eu sempre aprendo lendo esses textos, espero que vocês também!

"Because you're studying spirituality - and tapping into multiple realities — you'll often find yourself in situations where you can be a messenger for others. Especially this week.

The question is, how can you become the best possible messenger?

The number 1 rule is: never assume anything. Even if it's someone you've known for years, asking a question they've asked a thousand times before, make the effort to drop all preconceived notions. Work on clearing your mind and channeling the messages that the Light transmits through your thoughts.

Even if you can't remember a word that you spoke, it's ok. More than likely you've connected to a higher realm and got the person the help they really needed. Just make every effort to be transparent; to become one soul with the other person.

If we have a hidden agenda we can never really get the right message for the other person. There will always be something in the way. It can be a situation where we think our hidden agenda is totally justified. Even though our agenda seems well intentioned, it still gets in the way of channeling the best message for our friend.

Which also brings us to the realization that we can make a lot more than small talk with people. We'd be surprised how much wisdom can come to us for people when we think this way. When we put ourselves in the frame of mind of helping, it's really amazing.

What's more, we never know what our relationship with the person next to us is at any given moment. They may seem like the person who just happened to buy the ticket for seat 34D on the airplane, and we bought 34E, but in reality the Light put us with them for some purpose. It can be something as simple as a smile or a drop of knowledge that can repair a debt from a previous lifetime.

We use the word "coincidence" all the time to explain these little twists of fate. Yet we don't realize that the definition of the word is exactly the opposite of what it actually means. A co-incidence, is two incidences, two things happening at the same time.

Life isn't as random as we think.

This week, imagine every person you meet has something to learn from you. Tune into people. Empathize with them. Watch how they breathe, what words they choose, other body language clues. Trust your innate ability to pick up on the unspoken. Is there some fire you can reignite? A reassuring word? Some constructive feedback?

Channel it!

All the best,

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